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Kayley Stevens
"And there's always room for a tap dance, featuring Kayley Stevens and Charles Logan romping nimbly around stage. (Learn to tap dance, guys; that clicky cavort-athon changes the outcome of Logan's plaintive "Marry Me" proposal to Stevens.)"
"Winner of 2020 Awards
SWFL Equity Dancer of the Decade"
"Only Kayley Stevens seemed up to the task as spurned sweetheart Diana Devereaux, who takes on a French pedigree to bring the hapless U.S. president to impeachment."
"The show reaches its apex in 'Turkey Lurkey Time.... in a role that Donna McKechnie made famous, the vivacious Kayley Stevens' kinetic sexuality is another highlight of the production!"
"Kayley Stevens plays Lady Jaqueline, the vamp whose eyes are on the Hareford fortune, and, thus, Bill. Stevens, a Community School graduate who is now an Equity actress, said she is in the same role her mother played for one of the first Naples Players productions in Sugden Community Theatre."
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